Toronto Inner City Rugby Foundation (TIRF) is home of community rugby in Toronto.

TIRF works to build community through rugby and rugby through community. We bring together Toronto area rugby clubs and schools to build a community playing and training model that consists of strong school programs, club rugby, representative rugby and training academies.

Our programs increase access to rugby and support the sports’ local infrastructure.

Our activities promote students’ well-being and expound the core values of rugby integrating leadership with the rugby ethos of hard work, camaraderie, and mutual respect.

Our organization supports the expansion of the game and assists Toronto clubs to deliver vibrant rugby programs locally.


In order to be eligible for the TIRF program, you must either attend a TIRF school or be living in one of Toronto’s priority neighbouhoods. Eligible schools are listed below: 

Agincourt CI

Francis Libermann CSS

RH King

Albert Campbell CI

George Harvey CI

Riverdale CI

Archbishop Romero CSS

George S. Henry Academy

Runnymede CI

Bendale BTI

George Vanier

SATEC (WA Porter)

Birchmount Park CI

Harbord CI

Senator O’Connor CSS

Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton

James Cardinal McGuigan CSS

Sir John A. MacDonald CI

Blessed Mother Teresa

Jarvis CI

Sir Robert Borden BTI

Blessed Pope John Paul II

Jean Vanier CSS

Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI

Bloor CI

John Polanyi CI

St. Basil the Great

Cedarbrae CI

Kipling CI

St. Joseph’s College School

Central Commerce

L’Amoreaux CI

St. Joseph’s Morrow Park

Central Technical School

Lakeshore CI

St. Mary’s

Chaminade CS

Lester B. Pearson CI

St. Patrick’s CSS

CW Jefferys CI

Loretto College School (girls)

Stephen Leacock CI

Danforth CI

Madonna CSS

Thistletown CI

Dante Alighieri Academy

Marc Garneau CI

Victoria Park CI

David & Mary Thomson CI

Mary Ward CSS

West Hill CI

Don Bosco

Monsignor Percy Jonhson CSS

West Humber CI

Don Mills CI

Nelson A. Boylen CI

Westivew Centennial SS

Downsview SS

Newtonbrook SS

Weston CI

Dr. Norman Bethune

North Albion CI

Wexford CI

East York CI

Northview Heights SS

Winston Churchill CI

Eastern Commerce CI

Notre Dame

Woburn CI

Emery CI

Oakwood CI

York Memorial CI

Father Henry Carr CSS
