Crusaders Rugby Club to celebrate 50 years of Rugby


Crusaders Rugby Club to celebrate 50 years of Rugby

2018 will mark a historic occasion for The Crusaders Rugby Club.  The Club will proudly celebrate 50 years of Rugby history on July 12-15, 2018.   Plans are well underway for many exciting and memorable events throughout that weekend to commemorate a half-century of growth of the game of rugby by the Crusaders in the communities of Oakville and Mississauga.

The weekend will allow for a unique opportunity for the great many who have taken part in the 50-year journey of the Crusaders Rugby Club from what was a few local rugby enthusiasts into what is now, the largest rugby club in Canada.   This occasion will allow for Crusaders Alumni and its many Friends to reconnect and celebrate the many special friendships that began through their connection to the club as well as celebrating our great game of rugby

Join with the thousands of Crusaders, current and past on a weekend that will a feature a golf tournament on Thursday, July 12 at historic Glen Abbey Golf Club, home of the RBC Canadian Open.  A Gala dinner featuring a silent/live auction with proceeds going towards supporting a number of infrastructure projects at the club will take place on Friday, July 13 at the Rattlesnake Golf & Country Club.  Saturday will feature a full slate of rugby at all levels followed by a party featuring live music.

Tickets for these events can be purchased online through the online store on the Crusaders Web Site.  The link is